
C# Tutorial In Urdu - out And ref parameters (Video 3)

C# Tutorial In Urdu - Basics of C# Methods/Functions (Video 1)

C# Tutorial In Urdu - Split large method/Function into small methods/functions (Video 2)

Part 8 - HTML Block, Inline and Layout tags In Urdu

Part 7 - Working With HTML Tables In Urdu

Part 11 - CSS Selectors (Video 2)

Part 10 - CSS Selectors (video 1)

Part 9 - Introduction to CSS In Urdu

Part 6 - Adding Graphics to your web page using HTML In Urdu

Part 9 - Adding Downloads to WordPress website In Urdu

Part 8 - Adding Membership & Users to your WordPress In Urdu

Part 7 - WordPress Comments & Discussion Settings In Urdu

Part 6 - Configuring your WordPress Website Settings

Part 5 - Adding Multimedia & Graphics to WordPress Website

Part 4 - Changing WordPress themes and Widgets

Part 2 - Creating Your first WordPress Post and Categories In Urdu

Part 3 - Creating WordPress Pages and Menus In Urdu

Part 1 - Installing Your first WordPress site or blog In Urdu

ASP.NET C# Tutorial In Urdu - Adding CSS to your application (3/4)

ASP.NET C# Tutorial In Urdu - How to use Master Pages (2/4)

ASP.NET C# Tutorial In Urdu - Introduction to ASP.NET (1/4)

SQL Tutorial In Urdu - Stored Procedure with Parameters and OUTPUT Parameters

SQL Tutorial In Urdu - Create Your First Stored Procedures

SQL Tutorial In Urdu - Introduction to Stored Procedures

SQL Tutorial In Urdu - SQL Wildcards & Count Function

SQL Tutorial In Urdu - SQL Select Statement

Part 4 - Introduction to HTML In Urdu - HTML Lists

Part 5 - Introduction to HTML In Urdu - HTML Links

Part 3 - Introduction to HTML In Urdu - (Headings & Text Formatting)

Part 1 - Introduction to HTML In Urdu - Your first Web Page

Part 2 - Introduction to HTML In Urdu - (Headings & Text Formatting)